Accounting is not #1 and that’s OK
Accounting is not # 1 and that's Okay 💣 👀 😰
There will always be some other field with better pay, perks or WLB. People like to say Engineering or [Fill in the Blank] field is better than Accounting. So what if it is?
🏎 It seems like everyone follows the Ricky Bobby mentality that if you’re not first you’re last.
🏅 There may only be one winner but it takes two to Shake and Bake. Second place at Talladega gets paid…and so does last place. Praise Baby Jesus.
Everything's on a spectrum.
💨 Rather than waste my breath trying to argue that Accounting is # 1, it’s better to inform others that accounting is a solid career choice and leave it at that.
◽ There are only a few fields of study with such a crystal clear career path
◽ Your degree is put to use as soon as you step off the graduation stage
◽ The jobs are in demand and plentiful
◽ You enter the workforce as a member of the middle class (or what's left of it) and only have upside potential from there
🛑 — Hard stop — 🛑
You just can’t say those things about most fields of study.
Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty to complain about. Things can be very bad and that's well documented.
But is it still a solid career choice? Absolutely!
Let's not think of all the professions that are better while ignoring the plethora of professions that are worse.
🤷♂️ For those who say Accounting isn't # 1…I say, So What?
🔥 If you're on the job hunt and looking for some Shake and Bake, check out the No Flux Given playbook