Portfolio of Work
There are 2 types of people in this world, those who create and those who consume what others create.
I love creating things and believe that creativity is the most transferable skill that will never go out of style!
Check out some of the stuff I’ve created!

Written Work
There’s nothing more ambiguous than a blank page.
I’ve been featured by top publishers
I’ve written articles for top FinTech blogs
I’ve been guest writer for industry newsletters
I’m the author of No Flux Given
Check out some of my work!

Business Beyond Borders: Impactful Insights for CPA's
Navigating Management, Work-Life Harmony, and the Changing Landscape of Accounting with Mike Manalac
Earmark podcast with Blake Oliver
From Auditor to Google: How Mike Manalac Landed His Dream Job in Accounting
Accounting High with Scott Scarano and guest Mike Manalac
"The Uprising of the Next Generation of Accountants"
I love to talk big ideas with the changemakers in accounting.
I’ve been an invited guest on some of the biggest podcasts in the accounting world. Watch, listen and earn CPE!
Check out my podcast appearances!

I can bring an idea into the real world in a matter of minutes, no AI required.
I was one of the founding content creators for a comics app funded by Area 120 , which is Google’s in-house incubator for innovation.
I draw business comics, take visual notes, chalk murals, and design marketing materials.
Check out some of my work!